Hard water problems are no match for our water softeners.
Our water softeners easily tackle hard water issues. Kinetico’s commercial water softener systems are tailored to meet the diverse water requirements of your business, whether it’s for intermittent processes or continuous flow applications.
Kinetico’s industrial-strength, non-electric commercial water softeners operate on actual water demand (high efficiency), lowering your maintenance costs and saving you salt, water, money, and time.
HYDRUS® Series Water
Filtration Systems
Featuring a Robust Softening System and Advanced Controller.

CP Series Commercial Water Softeners

Engineered by Kinetico for commercial settings, CP Series water softeners efficiently deliver softened water to various applications such as boilers, water heaters, car washes, or reverse osmosis systems. These softeners ensure consistent performance without interruption during the regeneration process.
CC Series Commercial Water Softeners
Designed to seamlessly integrate into commercial kitchens, Kinetico’s CC Series water softeners are tailored for specific equipment or applications, offering continuous soft water without compromising space. These softeners can be easily installed on hot water lines up to 150°F (65.6°C).
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